Meet Dr. Nicole Marie Brown, Licensed Psychologist in Bucks County, PA

Ready to stop feeling lost and start taking control of your life's journey?

Dr. Nicole Brown, Licensed Psychologist in Bucks County, PA, providing therapy to children, teenagers, and adults with anxiety and ADHD.

Are you feeling stuck, unsure of how to improve your or your child’s well-being, and it seems like you’ve already tried everything without success?

You’ve come to the right place.

I’m Dr. Nicole Brown, and I help my clients find confidence, control, and calm by equipping them with the tools they need to organize their thoughts and their lives.

I help clients who are just like you or your child: capable of managing thoughts and emotions with the right support. Many solutions for anxiety and ADHD are generic and can make you feel like a failure when they don’t work for you, your family, or your lifestyle. I understand your circumstances are unique. If something doesn’t work, we’ll figure out why together. We might need a different approach that better suits your needs, or we may need to dig deeper to uncover obstacles hindering your progress. My specialty is helping individuals find the tools that work best for them. You don’t have to face these challenges alone – we’re in this together.

I offer both in-person and telehealth appointments, so you can choose what works best for you. Your first sessions will comprise a clinical evaluation, where we’ll get to know each other better as I get an understanding of your experiences, challenges, strengths, and coping strategies.

After these initial sessions, I’ll provide my clinical impressions. We’ll develop treatment plan goals together, and I’ll outline what therapy will look like for you or your child. Then we get to work understanding the root causes of your or your child’s difficulties and developing the coping strategies that will be most effective for you.

We accomplish this by meeting weekly and talking. Our sessions will involve:

  • Discussions about your current struggles

  • Reflections on recent events

  • Exploration of past experiences to understand behavioral patterns

There’s no wrong way to “do therapy” with me, and I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. Through our work together you’ll be equipped with the skills and confidence needed to navigate life’s challenges.

My approach

I am committed to empowering individuals to take charge of their minds and their lives.

I am a licensed clinical psychologist with over 15 years of experience working with individuals dealing with anxiety, OCD, and ADHD. While I have enjoyed working with individuals of all ages, my specialization lies in helping elementary-aged children through middle-aged adults. I possess the expertise you need as you navigate developmental hurdles and strive for emotional well-being. You deserve a therapist who empathizes with the challenges of overwhelming thoughts and feelings, and that’s exactly what I offer.

I understand your struggles because my career has been dedicated to assisting individuals like you. Over the years, I've honed the art of tailoring strategies to fit seamlessly into clients’ lifestyles. These strategies aren't just theories to me; I apply them in my daily life to manage my own thoughts and feelings.

Working with me means more than just gaining access to a skilled therapist; it means having a compassionate companion who truly gets your experiences. Together, we'll distinguish between what can be changed and what requires acceptance, equipping you with the skills and confidence to navigate life’s challenges.

Ready to get started?

My Guiding Principles


I am dedicated to empowering you to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and life. I’ll help you discover the inner strength and confidence you need to navigate challenges and achieve your goals.

Acceptance and Growth

I’ll guide you in embracing aspects of your challenges while fostering growth and resilience. We’ll differentiate between what you can change and what you must accept, leading to greater peace and self-awareness.

Personalized and Practical Strategies

I tailor therapy specifically to your unique needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Together, we'll develop practical tools and strategies that effectively address your concerns, helping you manage your thoughts and emotions in your everyday life.

Compassionate Collaboration

I provide a compassionate and empathic understanding of your struggles, creating a safe and supportive space for healing and growth. Our work together is a collaborative effort, considering all aspects of your life to achieve your goals.

Anxiety And OCD

I specialize in helping you manage anxiety and OCD symptoms effectively, offering personalized strategies and support to regain control and find peace of mind.


With a focus on ADHD management, I provide practical tools and strategies to improve focus, organization, and time management skills, empowering you to thrive in daily life.

Children & teens

For children and teens, I offer compassionate therapy approaches tailored to their developmental needs, fostering emotional resilience, healthy coping skills, and positive growth.

Training & Education

  • Pennsylvania Licensed Psychologist (PS016845)

  • PSYPACT Authorized to practice telepsychology in 42 states across the U.S. (Mobility Number 5643)

  • Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology at Widener University

  • M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology at Widener University

  • B.A. with Highest Distinction in Psychology and Linguistics from the University of Michigan

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship at Assessment and Treatment Alternatives in Philadelphia, PA

  • APA-Accredited Predoctoral Internship at Widener University with rotations at Swarthmore College Counseling and Psychological Services and Widener University’s Social Work Consultation Services

  • Completed continuing education trainings in Mindfulness-Based Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Evidence-Based Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Perfectionism, Evidence-Based Treatment for ADHD and Executive Functioning Disorders, LGTBQ+ affirming treatment

Ready to take the next step towards a better future?

Let’s work together.